
Inclusion NB is a provincial non-profit organization that supports people with an intellectual or developmental disability and their families. It is estimated that 22,000 New Brunswickers have an intellectual or developmental disability. These New Brunswick citizens, we well as their loved ones, want to see transformational change that will ensure that people have opportunities to live a good life on an equal basis with others.

People with an intellectual or developmental disability want and deserve real opportunities to live a full life as contributing members of New Brunswick society. People want to be – and should be – fully included in school and in their communities, have access to the supports and financial resources needed to live in a home of their own, and be gainfully employed.

Consistent with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, we are working to advance the following issues.

Provincial Election 2024

A Call to Action for an Inclusive New Brunswick: Priorities for New Brunswickers with an intellectual or developmental disability and their families

Learn more about what we are advocating for in the next provincial election here.

A Call to Action for an Inclusive New Brunswick

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